Whatever we fill our cup with is what comes out

Imagine that you are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you. The coffee spills all over you, the floor and perhaps even the person who bumped into you in the first place, whether deliberate or an accident.

But think about why you spilled the coffee...because you got bumped into?

No! That may have led to the spill, but your spilled coffee becasue there was coffee in your cup. If there had been tea, then you would have spilled tea.

My point is...whatever is in the cup will be what spills out.

In our psychotherapy practise, we hear that all the time. Not about coffee or tea, but about what is inside of us. If we are full of anxiety, then that is what comes out. The same with anger, resentment, victim mentality, shame, tendency to blame, tendency to people please and put others first and ignore our own needs.

Whenever someone 'bumps' us, our reactions and responses comes from what is inside us...our history, our experiences, our belief systems will dictate this if we allow them to.

With therapy, we can learn to develop humility, self compassion, empathy for the others' standpoint, a belief that we are good enough and deserving, forgiveness, assertiveness, kindness.

We are never stuck with what the past has taught us, maybe that was wrong or at least not relevant anymore.

So look at what is inside of you, and if it doesnt work, seek to change it. Then what comes out when life knocks you and the contents of your cup spill out, you will have mastery and ownership over it.

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